Thursday Letter 07-09-23


Dear Parents,

Junior Infant Enrolment for September 2024

Applications for Junior Infants for September 2024 will open on Monday 2nd October. The closing date for applications is Friday 17th November at 3pm. The enrolment form can be downloaded from our school website. All relevant information relating to admissions can be found on the Annual Admission Notice located on our school website.

Comprehension Strategy, Writing Genre and PE Strand

We are taking a whole school approach to writing genres, comprehension strategies and our PE strand. This month we will focus on ‘Report’ and ‘Recount’ as our writing genre. ‘Prediction’ will be our comprehension strategy. Ms. Clarke’s third class will display some of their samples of ‘Report’ or ‘Recount’ in our hall at the end of the month.

Computer Coding for Fifth and Sixth Class

The Information Technology (IT) sector continues to thrive in Ireland with companies such as INTEL, Google, Microsoft and Facebook providing so much employment. We introduced computer coding in recent years to help prepare boys for jobs in this sector in the distant future. The IT skills in our school have improved so much due to the recent reliance on Google Classroom and other online mediums. We are introducing computer coding today to fifth and sixth class to further enhance these IT skills.

Coding for sixth class will begin today. Coding for fifth class will start tomorrow. The Parents’ Association (PA) have kindly agreed to help fund these classes for the boys. The fee works out at €30 per child. The PA have agreed to fund €10 per child. Our school secretary will send a link for online payment to parents to pay the remaining €20 balance which will cover 7 lessons.

Tea and Coffee morning for Junior Infant Parents on Thursday 15th September in the school hall at 9.10am

Parents of the junior infant boys are invited to a tea & coffee morning in the school hall at 9.10 am on Thursday 15th September. The coffee morning is hosted by the Parents’ Association (PA). This event will provide parents with an informal opportunity to meet and have a chat with other parents of junior infants and maybe set up a WhatsApp group. The PA is always looking for new committee members so please have a chat with some of the members there on the day.

Dangerous tree near Scout Den

After-school activities:

Lego Club

Table Tennis

Le dea-ghuí,

Dara Burke, Principal.

Chapel Hill, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78YD27
01 628 1857
curious minds science award
© 2024 St Mary's BNS Lucan